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Feldenkrais© and ABM NeuroMovement © can help adults to reduce or eradicate pain and to move with greater ease and precision The methods can help children with special needs to make the next developmental steps as easy as possible, improve movement and help regulate emotions.
I have been a Feldenkrais® practitioner since 2004 and have been working with adults as well as with children with special needs since then. I have been an ABM NeuroMovement® practitioner for children with special needs since 2012. Regular appointments are available in Dublin throughout the year.
Grounded in awareness and in our ability to learn, these related methods incorporate an unparalleled understanding of the development and the mechanics of human movement. The Feldenkrais Method and ABM offer a powerful way of moving better, easing discomfort and supporting new learning.
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EMR certified in Switzerland. For those with Swiss complementary health insurance most insurers will cover the lessons. If not please get in touch with me.